Last minute we decided to have a small fête for Obama's (or BarackO as Irie calls him) Inauguration. We invited our small band of loyal friends who all came: Nathalie and Laurent, Michelle and Abbie, Hélène, and Katell.

The festivities started back east at 11 am, which is 5 pm here, perfect for an after work/after school get-together. We put out a bunch of appetizers, wine and coffee, and later a bottle of Alsacien champagne.
Here's the photo gallery.Obama's election 2 1/2 months ago has been a source of good will here, in Morocco, and I assume in most of the world, thus his Inauguration was also a bigger deal than most would be. Quite honestly, with the festivities at around 9 am PST on a Tuesday, we are usually at work and not watching no matter who is taking the Oath. I asked our French guests if showing a U.S. Inauguration was typical and the obvious response was "no." But this was no ordinary event so French TV broadcast the festivities live for 3 hours. "Tout le monde regarde" - the whole world is watching.

It was great to be able to watch it happen, this extraordinary occasion, extraordinary man, facing extraordinary problems, and following on the heels of a chapter in U.S. history many of us would like to forget. To the world, we have saved face in a big way after the debacle of reelecting The Constitution Shredders, and they are openly rooting for us to succeed and solve the immense problems we, and the world, currently face! We feel hopeful about the change taking place, but know the immense tasks ahead so remain realistic.
On a curious note, Inauguration Day back home was, by chance, also the day we finally received our Carte de Sejours and became legal visitors.
Lisa will write more about that process later.
The inauguration was a good party for everyone, perhaps a chance for the country (et le monde) to take a deep breath before the real work gets underway.
Only BarackO has already been at work, building consensus on the direction of solutions that will hopefully repair repair the many broken systems in our country. Our economy, our foreign policy, our approach to resolving armed conflict, etc.
I heard that even after the many inauguration balls BarackO was up early the next day already hard at work. This is the leadership that we need, his leading from the front with focus on solutions that will benefit not the oligarchs, but, common people.
While most around me are pessimistic about our new president, I see this as a time for optimism.
Love the coat my dear. Congratulations to us all!!!!We all watched together, me with a surprising amount of tears and (gasp) American pride. Once again thanks for the pictures and the update of the blog!!
Groovy coat, Lisa!
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