I also decided to play around with the blog a little bit. As much as I know it is a good way to update family and friends (and whomever else might stumble upon it), it is also our public journal of this year in France. So you'll notice a new feature on the right hand sidebar, below the videos, a chronological listing of all the towns and places we've visited since leaving the U.S. All the names are clickable, usually taking you to the home of that town's tourism website. In almost every case I chose the countries home language version of the website: obviously almost all are in France, so almost all are en français. However, most have a small british flag near the top that allows all you english-speakers to switch to the language you can read. For us, it's an easy way to remember the year without going through all the old posts. Let me know what you think of it. I also added a French>English translator since we like to throw in French words sometimes, and a French news/euro>dollar currency converter.
We are enjoying the incredible spring weather lately! Irie is spreading her wings, having friends over for lunch or playdates,
and papillons
Next on our agenda is figuring out where we want Irie to go to school next year back in Ashland, planning for Nana and Terri's visit in 3 weeks (we want buttery microwave popcorn!!), and figuring out how to get Maggie home.
Lisa: At this point we are at the time of year where we were just arriving when we had foreign study in 1985, so we're not too discouraged yet at the remaining time. I'm squeezing out all the French I can, and squeezing in all the bread and salted butter I'll never be able to take home, and squeezing into my size 4 jeans.
P.S. We are now on Daylight Savings TIme so have gained back that hour with all you Americans.
I tried the links and they work. I think this is a great idea and a good way to keep track of where you have been.
I am so happy for you guys that you are really going to give it a go here in France! I think you guys will not only survive but thrive as a family...no doubt!!
I think that you guys have made tons of contacts and I'm sure you'll make more before you leave and I'm sure it won't be as long as you think before you're back...YAY!
PS-Lisa...I love you...but you suck with the size 4 jeans! I WILL get back there soon...it's only been 5 years ago...wish me luck and lets go walking!!
PPS-Rick...I had added the cities that we've been to to my blog as well and tried to add a link but was unsucessful...perhaps you can lend me some knowledge? Thanks.
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