I will have to write a post on our 3-day whirlwind in Paris later. Right now I'm sitting in our bedroom of our apt. in Amboise looking at the marvelous chateau here.

Yesterday we toured the castle and grounds and enjoyed the ambience of this town, but as with Paris I will write more about it later. Today, I'm going to focus on Giverny.
Giverny is a very small village a little over an hour west of Paris, and is where Monet lived.

He created the ponds and gardens from which he created so many of his masterpieces, and it easy to see from where his inspirations came. I love Monet, he is possibly my favorite painter ever, and as we walked the grounds his paintings where ever-present in my mind's eye. There's the ponds and the bridges,

the flowers

the colors.
It was sunny and warm, and to be here in spring when the tulips and so many other flowers were in bloom was perfect timing and delightful. I took full advantage of the surroundings and the light to take hundreds of photos.
Here they are.
Awsome pics guy
Great! Monet is my fav too!
That was one of the best parts of the trip. Absolutely breathtaking!
Love, Mom
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