Though Irie was nervous for her first day she looks more relaxed than she did a year ago when she started Hippolyte Fabre!
This time of year also sees us starting our withdrawal from Bon Pin. The work is completed and we are spying some projects to start next year. We're enjoying cool nights and mornings with the wood stove and assuming swimming is done. We'll only go up about every other weekend through October then close it up. Staying in Ashland allows us to focus on the goings-on here. Like unpacking, still!
While I started my practice up again in mid July it is really feeling on a roll now. I will shift my schedule to taking Wednesdays off, French style. Rick is registered for classes at SOU which start at the end of the month.
Both Rick and I were off and running on our hula endeavors shortly after re-entry this summer. I co-taught a session of Hula in July that Rick participated in. I will be teaching a beginner class this fall as well as continuing my own hula studies. I really miss my French hula dancers and the enthusiasm and beauty they brought to our classes. I feel fortunate to be able to return to a hula community that has grown in ohana and commitment. We thank our dear friend Andrea for her strength in holding hula in Ashland and creating and growing the hui Ka Pi'o O Ke Anuenue.
We're also happy to report that our copine française, Nathalie, has also gotten down to business with her new blog titled "From Frejus to Ashland. We are so touched that she has started this means of communication to us.
Goals for the next few weeks: get a smoothly running schedule hopefully only using one car, finish unpacking, purge clutter, sit in the hot tub with a glass of wine.
Still missing you ;)
So good to hear from you and that you are taking France with you where you live by having Wednesdays off! You are certainly a mixture of all the things you love Lisa and that's why we love you.
Hey Michelle (and Abbie!) I've been thinking about you all summer as you've navigated your adventures. I hope things are settling down for you, à la Rentrée. I have such admiration (and a sprinkling of envy) that you are staying in France. I know we'll see each other again, maybe not soon soon, but à bientôt.
bisous, love and aloha, Lisa
Finally, a new post! I've missed hearing about your busy lives. Irie, enjoy your new school and being with your friends again. Tell Nana about all your happenings.
Love and miss you all,
Mom, Nana, Bren
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